Life in India Today

Life in India today is as vibrant and energetic as always! It is a country full of lively people that share an exciting and beautiful culture. When I say full of people, I mean full of people! An interesting fact about Inida is that it has surpassed China as the country with the world’s largest population! Many Indian people of today have embraced western ideas and concepts, yet most of India's cultural values remain in tact. The original cultural values of India that are practiced and adhered to by many today have been derived from India’s ancient culture. Indian culture today is not too different from its past. Check out our page on Ancient Indian Culture by clicking on "India's ancient culture above.

How is life in India Today?

How is life in India today? To understand how India as a country and people exist today, i is a good idea to read about its ancient history first. Much of what took place in the past has made India what India is today. There are many different aspects of India that make it a unique and amazing country. First, let's talk about religious freedoms. 

Life in India Today Includes Religious Freedom

India has long been a country where citizens could practice a religion of their choice in an accepting environment, and where they would not be discriminated against for doing so. In India, the most populated country on Earth, people practice Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Jainism, Islam, Buddhism, and many other religions. India is a place that is full of kind and accepting people, and its religious freedom remain in place in India today. There are national laws in India that protect people's rights to practice the religion of their choice.

What are people's rights like in India Today?

People’s rights in India are pretty well protected by the Government of India thanks to the work of selfless and influential people like Gandhi. Gandhi conducted multiple passive resistance campaigns in order to obtain equality amongst all the Indian people, and to diminish India’s ancient caste system. He, and others, helped India gain its independence from Great Britain and become its own modern nation. Gandhi was also instrumental in helping to design several phases of the Flag of India. He helped to ensure that its current design was representative of the country's people who differ from one another ethnically and through choice of religion. 

Life in India today includes a fast growing economy. This is in part because India's middle class is growing substantially, which means people, overall, have more buying power. In the past, there were far more poor people in India and a disparity between the poor and the wealthy. While many in India do still face poverty, there have been some successful efforts to provide government aid to those in need and economic opportunities to boost the middle class. In addition, job sectors, such as the tech industry, have been booming in India and creating substantial opportunities for skilled workers. Major Indian businesses like Tata Motors continue to grow in size as well. The availability of More and different types of jobs being created has helped to grow the economy and the wealth of the nation!

Narenda Modi

One person who has helped bring India into modern times with his policies and beliefs on the equality of all of the Hindu People, is the current Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Modi has lead many government actions to bring Indian people out of poverty and into the middle class. He has denounced the ancient caste systems as cruel and lead the country with the belief that all people should flourish. He is widely popular in Indian and has helped revitalize national pride. We cannot discuss life in India today without talking about Narendra Modi. 

India's Massive Film Industry

India's Hindi-language film industry, better known as Bollywood, is a great source jobs and pride for the nation. This Hollywood of India is primarily based in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), but has no actual address. Bollywood films are shot all over India and require actors, directors, choreographers, cameramen, editors and all of the other staff required to produce and market films. Therefore, this industry employs a lot of people. Bollywood turns out hundreds of movies each year, making the California's Hollywood movie production look slow n comparison.

India's Bollywood films have a huge impact on the culture, appearance, the fashion, and overall style of the Indian people. Some Indian people revere their favorite actor almost as if they are saints. Bollywood films include the latest dance moves, music, fashions, slang, music, and they control the op-culture of the nation. In addition, the actors are extremely popular, just as western actors are in the United States.

india today, bollywood, india culture today

Living with Tourism

Life in India today includes the Indian people working in tourism as well. India has many major tourist destinations to visit and it receives a lot of visitors. India’s own wonder of the world, the Taj Mahal, located in the State of Rajasthan, alone pulls in between seven to eight million visitors per year, and approximately eighty percent of them are foreigners. India remains a top tourism destination and more and more people are visiting sites in different Indian states besides Rajasthan. States like Goa and Kerala, that boast beautiful stretches of coastline, are becoming increasingly popular and so are States such Himachal Pradesh that feature unique geographical features like the Himalayan Mountain Range. Basically, India today is a country in motion with a bright future that is moving in a positive direction!

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