The Agra Fort in Utter Pradesh

Agra Fort in Utter Pradesh is a Popular Tourism Destination!

The Agra Fort in Utter Pradesh is a very popular tourism destination. It is located in the City of Agra, in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh. Agra Fort is like a little city protected that is protected within its own walls. It is conveniently located about a mile and a half from the world famous Taj Mahal, which is a wonder of the world and the most popular tourist destination In India. So, if you are traveling to see the Taj Mahal, it is a great idea to visit Agra Fort as well! Because India is a very large and spread out country, it is always best to maximize the number sites that you can visit in a general area or State of India.

India was ruled from Agra Fort in Utter Pradesh

Agra Fort is a collection of protective walls, palaces, water wells, a mosque, towers, and much more. It was allegedly first occupied by Hindu Sikarwar Kings, but there is little written history to support this belief as being fact. It was not until a Sultan named Sikandar Lodi moved from the City and Union Territory of Dehli to rule the country of India from Agra Fort in Utter Pradesh, between the years of 1488 - 1517 AD, that written historical record was kept. Fun historical fact; because Sultan Sikander Lodi fueled from Agra Fort, Agra was the secondary Capital of India for some time and the Agra Fort was the capital building of India during that era. Dehli always was, and remains, the primary Capital of India. Sultan Lodi passed away in 1517 and his son Ibrahim Lodi ruled for the next nine years until he died in the historic first Battle of Panipat, in the state of Haryana.

Resources built within Agra Fort

During the rule of India by Ibrahim Lodi, many resources were built within Agra Fort. Ibrahim Lodi built several palaces within its walls. He also built drinking wells and a mosque for prayers and worship. Following his death in battle, Mughals were able to seize the fort and steal its great treasures, which included a famous diamond called Koh-i-Noor. Subsequent Afghan rulers; Babur, Humayun, Bilgram and Sher Shah held power here until the Mughals defeated the Afghans in the second battle of Panipat in 1556.

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The history of the Agra Fort in Utter Pradesh really gets very interesting when the Mughal ruler Akbar held power. He realized the importance of Agra's location and he made the fort his home in 1558. At this point, the fort was comprised of worn down bricks and desperately needed repair and maintenance. In order to rejuvenate its appearance and structure, Akbar had the fort rebuilt with sandstone that he obtained from the Indian State of Rajasthan. It took 1,444,000 workers eight years to build the fort. The fort was completed in 1573.

agra fort, india tourism destinations, travel to india

The colorful history of the Fort did not end here. Akbar's son, Shah Jahan made changes and additions to Agra Fort that left it in the condition that tourist of India find it in today. Legend and history has it that Shah Jahan built the beautiful, and nearby, Taj Mahal for his favorite wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died at a young age. Yes, he had multiple wives. Shah Jahan had an appreciation and apparent love for white marble. He had the Taj Mahal built from white marble. In addition, he also created several buildings within the fort from white marble with gold inlay.

Towards the end of his life, Shah Jahan was imprisoned in the fort's high tower by his own grandson, Aurangzeb. It's said that Shah Jahan died in the tower with a balcony view of his beloved Taj Mahal. His unfortunate fate, t least afforded him the opportunity to view his beloved Taj Mahal until his death. 

Inside the Taj Mahal, is the tomb of both Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. So, he and his favorite wife were buried together within.

agra fort, taj mahal, india tourism destinations

The Agra Fort was also the battle location of the Indian Rebellion of 1857, which caused the end of the British East India Company's rule, but also led to India's direct rule from Britain. The beautiful fort is a fantastic India tourism destination! It is full of rich history, vibrant culture, and it has a wonderful view of the Taj Mahal, which is located about a mile and a half away. For all of these reasons, it is a must see destination! We hope you enjoyed this page! Be sure to check out more pages of our site!

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