We want you to contribute to India in Your Home! Have you traveled to India? If you have, then you must have experienced the colors, the energy, and the amazing culture of the Indian People. You can share your experiences wit us on this page!
Maybe you have been to Taj Mahal, like we have, and viewed the amazing architecture from a distance and up close. Perhaps you too have ridden high above the streets on a majestic elephant, or bounced while riding on a camel in Jaipur, or another unbelievable city. Share your experiences with our inclusive community here!
Maybe you have tried amazing street food, home cooked Indian food, or eaten in an unforgettable restaurant. Please let us know of your favorite Indian Restaurants to eat at, whether in India, the United Kingdom, the United States, or anywhere else in the world.
What is your favorite Indian Food? Is it vegetarian, a fish dish, a chicken dish, or something else? You can actually post and share your favorite Indian Food recipes on our Indian Food page. Not only can you share your favorite recipe, you can also discover recipes that we have posted, and that other people in the India in Your Home community have posted to share.
We actually had some great Indian Food in Switzerland, which I had not anticipated. This proved to me that great Indian food can be found just about anywhere! If you have had a great Indian food experience, by all means, contribute to India in Your Home below, on this page!
Have you been to an Indian Wedding? Tell us about it! We were married in India, in a traditional Indian wedding. Our wedding and ceremony lasted three days. Indian Weddings are easily the most colorful and interesting weddings in the world. Thousands of these amazing ceremonies happen every year. If you have been to an Indian Wedding, please tell us about it.
Were you married in a traditional Indian Wedding, whether in India, or in another country? Please, share you experiences with our community by sharing with us below! Definitely include any pictures that you wish to share so that people can better understand your experience.
Do you have a favorite Bollywood Movie? It's hard not to, right? The dancing, the drama, the influential actors. Bollywood Films are such a huge part of the Culture of India. In India, people have pictures of their favorite actors in their cars, and I noticed that they are adored by some almost as though they are saints. So, what is your favorite Bollywood Movie, or actor?
There is so much great Indian artwork! We have many paintings from India in our house, like the one featured above. India is known for many colorful art forms, even the food is colorful in India.
We are huge fans of Indian area rugs (pictured below). They are complex and colorful, beautiful and elegant. Indian clothing is gorgeous too! In India, there is a lot of great woodwork, sculpture work, and of course architecture.
Indian Temples are probably where you can see the most intricate and beautiful building structures. We visited many temples, while in India. That being said, there are hundreds of beautiful Hindu Temples built around the world! Chances are that there is a gorgeous Indian Temple within a hundred miles of where you live!
Do you have some great Indian experiences to share with our community? Would you like to share your knowledge about india? Great! We are happy to share our platform with you! Yo may notice that we have popular pages featuring Maps of India and the Geography of India.
We also have very informative and educational pages on the History of India, the Culture of India, the States and Union Territories of India, and much, much more.
One of our most popular pages features the most influential people of India. Page features information on Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and many of the other people who helped make India the great nation that it is today! Be sure to check it out after you submit your contribution to India in Your Home.
You can contribute to India In Your Home on this page. The really cool thing is that we will review your submission and publish it for you so that you get to have your own page on our website. How cool is that?
See below how you can submit your story to us. Its really easy. We can't wait to read and learn about your experiences! Be sure to upload pictures, if you have them. We love pictures and one picture is worth a thousand words!
Great! We would love to hear it. Whether it be a great tip you want to share, or an interesting story to tell. If it's in good taste and is related to our site's theme, we'll include it here for everyone to read!
All you have to do is fill out the form below. Your contribution to the site is more than appreciated!
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Discover helpful tips for traveling to India here.
Learn about the most influential people of India here.